Food traditions to try this Festive Season : Ukraine
Zaporizhia, Gymnasium 2
Traditional Borshch-is soup recipe , made with beef bone broth, beets, and cabbage. This delicious healthy soup is a great comfort meal for the Fall and Winter seasons!
Varenyky are also in the list of traditional Ukrainian dishes.

Typical Ukrainian fillings for varenyky include cottage cheese, potato, boiled

beans, , plum (and other fruits), potato and cheese, cabbage, meat, fish, and buckwheat
Ukrainian pancakes— among the most popular fillings for Ukrainian nalysnyky are:ground meat (pork, beef, chicken);liver;chopped hard-boiled eggs and bunch onion;mushrooms;stewed cabbage;cottage cheese with raisins or candied fruit;fruit and berries.
Ukrainian Pancakes Deruny, are usually served for lunch or breakfast and are very popular in Ukraine! You may enjoy them with some meat or your favorite salad. My husband and kids really love them with just a dollop of sour cream.
During winter we celebrate St . Nicholas Day,the New Year ,Christmas, Malanka and Vasil.